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Zeal Gyro Powerball - (TOP SELLER)

Zeal Gyro Powerball - (TOP SELLER)

Regular price $44.99 CAD
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Now you can strengthen your grip and forearms with Zeal Gyro Powerball at anytime, anywhere and its perfect for combating laziness and fatigue. It is very easy-to-use, Automatic self-start design and requires no power supply. Its compact size makes it perfect for on-the-go use, whether at the office, gym, or at home. Use it as a toy to decompress or for arm muscle exercise.  
 Strong Forearms: Strengthen your forearms with the Zeal-Gyro Powerball. Its unique design requires you to tightly grip and make small movements, resulting in a rapid pump. Perfect for building strength and improving grip, this powerball is a must-have for any workout routine. Enhance your grip strength and improve overall performance with Zeal's Gyro Powerball. With its advanced technology, this powerball increases your grip strength by 50%, leading to better control and performance. Achieve your goals with the help of Zeal. The Zeal Gyro Powerball offers ultimate wrist exercise equipment with a maximum rotation speed of 12,000 rpm and resistance of up to 32kg. Perfect for gentle rehabilitation or intense forearm workouts lasting up to 60 seconds. Increase strength and flexibility with ease.
Research Study: In a 2020 pretest-posttest study looking at the use of a gyro powerball as a treatment for nonspecific wrist pain, researchers evaluated 40 participants (20 male, 20 female) between the ages of 18-35. Researchers discovered that by using a gyro ball 3x/week for 4 weeks at 5 minutes a day, participants experienced a significant decrease in pain while also demonstrating a significant increase in grip strength following the 4 weeks. Over the 12 sessions results showed a 56.51% decrease in pain, a 12.45% increase in grip strength, and a 19.46% increase in the number of revolutions done. Results show that participants had a significant increase in endurance following the 1st month with a staggering 109% increase over the month. Grip strength also measured an average increase of 15% over the month, but this was just short of being statistically significant. Results were also gathered following a second month without any exercise demonstrating a 5.3% decrease in grip strength and 7.7% decrease in endurance indicating that the majority of gains remained even after ceasing use of the gyro ball. 
Work Stress, Tired or Fatigue: Perfect for those long busy days or when you're feeling tired or fatigued. Its designed gyroscopic technology to increase blood flow, also helps reducing Stress and fatigue. Use it at the office, gym, or home for a quick arm workout or as a fun way to decompress. 

Results are Guaranteed : You'll see real results as you improve your grip and increase your overall strength. Take your workout to the next level with Zeal-Gyro Powerball.
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